All our sites come with 30 Amp Electric, Water & Sewer. Most of our sites have a fire pit and picnic tables.
We have some sites with 50 Amp power, please specify 50 Amp power at time of reservation.
30 Amp, Water & Sewer/2 person occupancy $52.00
50 Amp, Water & Sewer/2 person occupancy $59.00
Each Additional Adult (ages 18 and up) $12.00
Extra Young Adult (ages 12 to 17 years old) - $ 9.00
Extra Child (ages 6 to 11 years old) - $ 5.00
Extra Young Child (ages 0 and 5 years old) - $ 1.00
Each tent added to a RV site. - $15.00
We reserve the right to change rates with out notice.
Each reservation requires 100% payment due at time of reservation.
Steens Mountain Wilderness Resort is proud to now be featured within the Campspot™ Reservation System!
Here is some information to help you get started - Thank you for reading!
Please make sure you have read and that you understand the Cancelation, Holiday and Refund policy(s)
prior to making your reservation.
We reserve the right to change rates with out notice.
Each reservation requires 100% payment due at time of reservation.
Remember to register everyone in your party:
Adults (18 and older), Young Adults (12-17), Children (11 - 6),
and Children (5 - 0)
Number of Pets
Once Reservation has been completed, an Email Confirmation is sent out immediately.
Please look for that email, read it and then click on the link within the body of the email
and check the following:
1) Is your arrival and departure date correct?
2) Is the number of people (according to age) in your party correct?
3) Did you register your pets?
It is important to make any corrections now, do that by "replying" to the email received.
While there, please "Read and Accept" the Terms and Condtitions on your reservation.
Acceptance of the "Terms & Conditions" is required prior to your arrival,
we will not release Bathroom Codes or WiFi Password with this step not being completed.
Click the button below to be directed to our Campspot Reservation System.
Thank you and we will see you soon!
Phone (541) 493-2415
Office Hours
Spring and Summer
April 16th thru October 10th
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.(PST)
Fall and Winter Office Hours
October 10th thru April 15th
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.(PST)
35678 Resort Lane, Frenchglen, OR 97736
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the owner is strictly prohibited.
Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to J. Mark Webb and Steens Mountain Wilderness Resort
with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Copyright © 2015 Steens Mountain Wilderness Resort |
Designed by Debbie Webb & Free CSS Templates